Cancellation and refund policy

You have the right to return the products you have purchased and request their replacement if you have received a different product than the one you have ordered or there has been a demonstrable error in pricing.

Our company is not responsible for the delivery of damaged products during their transport.

The order can be canceled in the following cases:

  • Before the order is completed, during the online order process you can “back” and remove the product quantities from your cart by clicking on the “remove” button.
  • If you have reached the stage of completing the order, but have changed your mind, please contact us immediately on tel: 2310 275014 otherwise the order will be sent without the possibility of returning the products.
  • According to Law 2251/1994 (as amended by K.Y.A.
    Z1-891/2013) the customer can return the products he has purchased from the online store because he simply changed his mind, within fourteen (14) days of receiving them with a sender’s fee.